Pastor Taylor Johnson and his wife, Kiersten, came to Grace from Sioux Falls, SD. Kiersten is an RN and works as the Nurse Manager at Lilac Homes in Dilworth. The family grew in 2019 with the birth of their son, Dexson, who shares a birthday with his dad. He is a very active three-year-old always looking for adventure and new ways to play with the cats, Cooners and Hank.
Pastor Taylor explains his passion for ministry “comes from seeing the experience others have had with the Church. My heart breaks for the people who have a stained idea of who Jesus is because of an experience that happened in the past or rumors they heard. I have a passion for helping people who know faith to show faith. The combination of the two leads me to the work of building up current disciples for the work of making new ones. I love having difficult conversations about who God is and who we are together. I have a deep love for heartfelt, expressive worship. Ultimately, my passion for ministry is helping people draw closer to Jesus and closer to one another.”
“The vision I have for the Church is to be a faithful body of believers who love God and love neighbor. There are things about the modern church that are wonderful and things that need some adjustment. I believe every congregation has room to grow not only in size but in spiritual understanding. One thing that has been placed on my heart over the last several years is to look at the church from the view of Acts 2. For those who were closest to Christ’s resurrection, what did they find to be the most essential pieces? Worshipping together, meeting in homes, sharing everything they had, and a devotion to the learning and teaching of Jesus.”